Monday, March 9, 2015

Homemade Yogurt

Yogurt is something I have wanted to make for a lonnggg time, but I was just, well, kinda.....nervous. I thought, what if it doesn't turn out right? what if I don't get the temperature just right? What if I just end up making curdled milk? Do I need a yogurt maker? Well, I tell ya...I stepped out of my shell and made yogurt and guess what, I AM SSOOO GLAD I DID!!! It was so EASY and DELICIOUS!!

I seriously couldn't believe how incredibly easy it was!! SERIOUSLY!! You HAVE got to try it!!!

I read several recipes and how-to's on making it and at first I got a bit overwhelmed with all of the specifics given in all of the directions, so I simplified it for you all. I tried to get as many pictures of each step so you can all follow along easier.

Doesn't that look so good and creamy? Let's make yogurt!!....

STEP 1:  Gather your ingredients and supplies. you will need:
-heavy stockpot
-measuring cups
-2 quarts milk (i used store bought, whole milk)
-1/2 cup plain yogurt (I used Chobani Greek yogurt)
-2-quart canning jars
-foil to cover tops of jars, or canning lids and rings
-flavoring for yogurt, such as vanilla, sugar, fresh fruit, or flavored gelatin

STEP 2: Heat milk to 180'.

Whisk often to prevent scorching.
STEP 3: Remove from heat. Allow milk to cool to 112'-115'. This takes about 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, turn your crockpot on warm or low if you don't have a warm setting.

STEP 4: Measure out 1/2 cup yogurt.....

...put it in small mixing bowl and whisk about 1 cup of cooled milk into yogurt.

STEP 5: Mix yogurt in with rest of milk.

STEP 6: Pour milk/yogurt into canning jars. I used a canning funnel to help with this, 
and I'm glad I did because when I was pouring the milk and tryng to take a pic, I ended up with this...

What a mess!! Pouring the other jar went much smoother and cleaner!

STEP 7: Turn crockpot off and place towel in bottom. Cover jars with foil or lids, and place in warmed crock. Wrap towel around jars. Place another towel over entire crockpot.

STEP 8: Let sit for at least 4 hours. The longer it sits, the more tart the yogurt becomes.
I let mine sit for 4 hours. I didn't have any problems with it not staying warm.

There ya have!! Told ya it was easy!

I will tell you that when I first took the yogurt out of the crock pot, I thought I had curdled milk for sure! You will notice a bit of liquid floating at the top of the jar, separate from the yogurt, this is just whey. You didnt mess anything up! Whew! You can pour this off for a thicker yogurt, or stir it back in. I just stirred mine back in and still had a thick, creamy yogurt!

STEP 9: Flavoring. For vanilla yogurt, I mixed 3 1/2 tbsp of raw sugar and 1 1/2 tbsp of vanilla in a small bowl to dissolve the sugar a bit. I mixed that into 1 quart of the yogurt. 
If you want a fruit flavored yogurt, you can mix in 4 tbsp of your favorite flavored gelatin. 
Refrigerate for about 3 hours. It gets even thicker once it is cooled.

Enjoy it as a healthy snack...

...or top it with granola, and have it with your morning coffee!

I also doubled this recipe and made a gallon, yes, a gallon of yogurt!! It turned out great! 

Let me know how yours turns out! If you have any questions, leave me a comment below!



Unknown said...

My husband wants me to start making our own yogurt (since our kids eat so much of it and we know the store bought stuff is pretty bad for you), but I get nervous about making certain things (seafood is another thing that makes me nervous).

Unknown said...

My youngest wild thing asked me last nite to make yogurt. I told her it was way to hard for me to make. Truth is I am too scared to try it! Maybe one day I will conquer my fears too.

Tiffany said...

Once you make it, it becomes like second nature! In fact, I am now so comfortable with making it, I make a gallon once a week and I just make it while I clean the kitchen! Maybe you and your girls will have to come over and make some!

Tiffany said...

Part of why I first wanted to make yogurt was just to give it a try, and then after I saw how easy it was, I now make it all the time! It has become part of my weekly routine to make a gallon of yogurt! And the kids loved it, they add fruit and granola and customize it exactly how they want!