*** OK, I think its working! :)
NOTE: Im having some issues with pics not showing up right now....Im not very techy, so it mite be awhile..., sorry:/.
Well we are finally recovered from the flu...ugh! It really wiped us out! I was in bed for 3 days! And the baby got sick too! It was not fun! My husband was the only one of the 8 of us that didnt get sick! Praise God for that! :).
I'm sure by my lloonngg disappearance from blogger world, some of you have probably wondered what we' ve been up to. Well, here's a few things we' ve been doing.....
We had PSSA testing last week for 4 days. We were gone from 8 am till around noon each day. We made a couple goodie baskets for the hard working, and ever so pleasant school staff! Thanks again!
My kids had a great time during testing week. They get to experience a regular classroom setting for a few days!
I did a quick spring cleaning on the shelf in my dining room. It only took about 20 minutes to sort through everything and dust.
Much better! Did anyone start any spring cleaning yet?
There was an open house event at my husbands place of employment and I made enough potato salad to feed 200+ people,
11 dozen chocolate chip cookies, 12 dozen Mahindra logo sugar cookies!
These were very easy and fun to make! I recieved several compliments and someone informed me that people were even taking pictures!! I am planning on a tutorial soon. Now I know not everyone wants to make Mahindra Logo cookies, but I will show you how you can make any logo or design on cookies or cupcakes for your next big event!
And thru all the busy-ness, I even took time for me! My hair was neglected for wwaayy too long. I made an appointment with a close friend of mine, she also doubles as my hairdresser! If she ever quits cutting hair, I am doomed!! She is the ONLY person I trust to do anything with my hair!
Heres my hair BEFORE: (and yes, I am aware of how bad it was!!)
AFTER: She did such a great job!
I made her a jar of Lemon Mint Sugar Scrub. (recipe coming soon!). The way I see it, "
take really good care of the person holding scissors above your head!" LOL!! Thanks again Liz!
We also took some time to enjoy the beautiful weather with a stop for lunch at the park!....
This guy was just loving the feel of the grass!
Ain't he just so cute?!
I also have some fun posts planned. A friend and I are planning to get together and make some homemade toothpaste! This will be a first. I am excited to expand our homemade products!
Also, since I have now been using essential oils for 1 year now, I find it time to share some info with you all! I will go thru several oils that we use on a regular basis, how to decide which oils are best for you, I will also give a review of using an oil diffuser and if you should use one. And I will share a few recipes with oils for you to try. I will also share which company I use and why!
Stay tuned! Im back in blogger world and have a lot planned! Including a special request for Snowball Cookies!
Have a great day!!